Welcome to Asperger Manitoba!
About Us…
Our purpose:
- To provide support for those affected by Asperger’s Syndrome by offering education and counselling.
- To educate the public about Asperger’s Syndrome and the needs of persons affected by Asperger’s Syndrome by collecting and disseminating information on the topic.
- To undertake activities which are ancillary and incidental to these objects.
What we do:
Adult Peer Support Group
Parents and Caregivers of Teens with ASD Support Group
When our facilitators are able to schedule this series, it generally runs for 6 to 8 sessions covering a variety of topics. Learn more here about the latest offering.
Launch into Life: The Transition to Adulthood
Introducing Level IT Up: Training and Assessment services for skilled adults with ASD interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Asperger Manitoba Inc. is incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in the Province of Manitoba, Canada.
Membership Organizations: Asperger Manitoba Inc. is member of the Children’s Coalition of Manitoba. AMI also supports a new social enterprise, Level IT Up. Level IT Up is dedicated to increasing the employment of individuals with ASD in Manitoba’s growing information and communication technology sector. Learn more at www.levelitupmb.ca.
Charitable Organization status AMI is registered as a charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. Our registration number is 84841-7341-RR0001