Schedule of Adult Peer Social Groups
Despite the rain we had a few people come out on Saturday. Thank you everyone for showing up and for your input. From the meeting and survey results, we have put together a schedule for the next year.
August 26/12 Potluck picnic (we are going to be playing sports/games)
September 30/12 Assiniboine Zoo with coffee afterwards
October 28/12 Halloween Party/potluck
November 25/12 The Forks (skating/river walk/coffee)
December TBA seasonal event determined by group
January 27/13 Bowling (Bowling and coffee afterwards)
February 24/13 Movie/IMAX
March 31/13 Pan Am Pool (Swimming and visiting McDonalds afterwards)
April 28/12 Board games/crafts (with a dessert potluck)
May 26/13 Kildonan Park (potluck picnic/sports/games)
June 30/13 Spagetti Factory
All events will be on the last Sunday of the month. We are planning to schedule to majority of events for the afternoons. We want to make sure that people walking or using transit are able to attend and feel safe returning home afterwards. All events are subject to change due to weather. Please watch the facebook page and the What’s new Section of the AMI website for information about meeting times and costs. We will try to keep the costs to a minimum.
*please note that due to the nature of some of the events, we have decided to restrict this group to adults at this time.