Person First or Identity First Language

Some people in the Autism and Disabilties community are thinking that a change in wording would better represent their feelings and help reduce stigma. We are seeking your opinion about this. Would you prefer the wording “An Aspergian/Autistic person OR A person with Asperger’s/ Autism”. For furthur information about this issue here are some links to read: person first language and identity first language.

If you could please fill out this survey to help us with this matter it would be great! Please complete the survey prior to January 16, 2013. If you have questions or comments regarding this matter please email us at
Thank you,
The Board of AMI



Congratulations to Bev Larmour for receiving the Diamond Jubliee Medal

Bev Larmour was a founding member of AMI in 2004, as well as serving on  our board and serving as president.  She was the recipient of the Diamond Jubilee Medal on January 3, 2013 for her work with AMI.  We would like to extend our congratulations to Bev, as well as offer our heartfelt thanks for all the work that she has done and continues to do regarding advocacy for individuals with Asperger Syndrome.


For more information about the award and Bev receiving the award, see here.




The Autism Project: Toronto Police to Receive Autism Awareness Training

We thought this article may be of interest, it was published in the November 18th, 2012 edition of the Toronto Star.



The Globe and Mail: Psychiatry ‘bible’ DSM-5 one step closer to publication

This article appeared in the December 3, 2012 edition of the Globe and Mail.  It discusses the changes in the upcoming 5th edition of the DSM, including the changes to the asperger diagnosis.


Asperger Manitoba Inc. issued a response to the proposed change here on February 13, 2012. We will continue to monitor the situation and field any questions you may have.

Article from the Consumerist

Please find this article from the December 3, 2012 by Mary Beth Quirk about Lego helping out a boy who has Asperger Syndrome, with a lego set he had been saving up for.



Spaghetti is Not a Finger Food (and Other Life Lessons) by Jodi Carmichael

There is a new book coming out about Connor, a young boy with Asperger Syndrome.  This is a great book for all kids, with special interest to kids in kindergarten – grade 4.  AMI is proud to be working with first time Winnipeg author, Jodi Carmichael, in its promotion and educating people about Asperger Syndrome.  Having had the chance to read the book and even have a blurb written on the back of the book, the book was really enjoyable.  The book will be released on December 3, in ebook form.  Please visit Jodi Carmichael’s website to keep up to date on launch of this book.

Article from the November 17, 2012 edition of The Star

Please find this article from The Star about ASD and mentorship at an Ontario university – “The Autism Project: York University student’s with Asperger’s thrive in mentorship program”

An Employers Guide to ASD

This is an excellent resource for employers, or anyone who works with individuals with ASD.

Toronto Star News Article on Streetsville School

Please find this article from the Toronto Star on “Room 150″, a room that offers a place for students with High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome a place to feel safe and have a break in those chaotic times of highschool.

Article from New York Magazine

Please find this article published on October 28, 2012 from New York Magazine called “Is Everyone on the Autism Spectrum” by Benjamin Wallace.