2013 Conference – A Different Way of Knowing – SD

Please note: Due to unexpected scheduling changes involving our previous keynote speaker, we have arranged an ALL NEW KEYNOTE SPEAKER, renowned Autism Spectrum behaviour management expert Jed Baker.


Save the Date

A Different Way of Knowing

October 8 & 9, 2013

Asperger Manitoba will host a 2-day conference at Canad Inns Regent Park Casino in Winnipeg, MB


Registration: Please watch here for registration information as they come available.  Costs will be $225 ($275 non-members) for two days, $175 ($225 non-members) for one day.


Featured speakers will be:

Jed Baker, Ph.D. is the director of the Social Skills Training Project, serving individuals with autism and social communication problems. He also directs social skills training for Millburn Public Schools in New Jersey and is on the professional advisory board of Autism Today, ASPEN, ANSWER, YAI, the Kelberman Center and several other autism organizations.  In addition, he writes, lectures, and provides training internationally on the topic of social skills training and managing challenging behaviors. He is an award winning author of many Social Skills Training books. His work has also been featured on ABC World News, Nightline, the CBS Early Show, and the Discovery Health Channel.  To learn more, visit www.jedbaker.com.



Rudy Simone is the author of four best-selling and influential books about Asperger Syndrome (AS) andAutism Spectrum conditions.  Three of them have won international awards and all are translated into other languages. Aspergirls: Empowering Females with Asperger Syndrome is credited with helping bring awareness to professionals on how AS is often overlooked or misdiagnosed in females. Asperger’s on the Job: Must-have Advice has a foreword by the legendary Dr. Temple Grandin, 22 Things a Woman Must Know If She Loves a Man With Asperger Syndrome and 22 Things a Woman with Aspergers Wants her Partner to Know demystify living with AS with compassion, humor and insider perspective.

Ms. Simone’s website, www.Help4aspergers.com, is one of the top resources in the world and contains the first “Table of Female AS Traits” created by Ms. Simone and now widely used by doctors everywhere to help identify AS in women and girls. Simone has been interviewed by several major publications including the New York Times, the London Sunday Times, the Daily Mail, AERA (Japan) and Time Magazine, and was recently the only invited speaker at the 2013 World Knowledge Forum in Seoul to discuss ASC issues.

She has presented at major conferences all over the world, and was keynote speaker at the 2013 National Autistic Society’s Professionals Conference in the UK. She has toured the UK, Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada, with European dates to come. She recently hosted and performed at the Geneva Conference’s Spectrum’s Got Talent! night in Toronto and The National Autistic Society Awards Dinner in Harrogate, England. Simone is also a screenwriter, singer/songwriter and standup comic. Ms. Simone is completely self-taught in the areas of writing, research and composing.


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